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Diary of a trade unionist of gibraltar


(Precios sin impuestos)
ISBN: 9788412914474

Charles James Sisarello was born in Gibraltar in 1949. Since an early age he joined the Trade Union Movement. His was first a member of the TGWU/ACTS. There he developed his union ideas. He became a Shop Steward at the age of 20.
He has been a Union Activist and Militant. Apart from his role as a shop steward. He has been a member of the Branch Commitee, Gibraltar Industrial Council, Gibraltar Trades Coundil, Whitley Council.
In 1996 he was elected Branch Officer of the TGWU/ACTS. In 2006 he was appointed Regional Officer of Unitetheunion. (exTGWU/ACTS)
As head of the unión. He fought tirelessly for the rights of Moroccan Citizen who had been discriminated since thier arrival in Gibraltar.
He took the issue to the highest level in UK. The House of Commons.
He also in the pursuance of that objective went to Zurich and delivered a speech in the International Labour Organisation. Its work together with his Moroccan colleagues brought results British passports were give to ali Moroccan Nationals.
He retired in 2012. A union member for over 50 years.


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